Balancing life as a mom in the workplace and the household can definitely take a toll on you. The different environments and to put equal efforts in both places. To be there for the kids and also be present for the work hours. The duality of a working mom can be incredibly stressful for your self-care and inspiration. The following are some of the best books for working moms. Written by women who feel the same as you, you’ll soon feel relaxed and motivated for your two varying duties upon reading these books.
Essential Books for Working Moms
The Art of Good Enough
The Art of Good Enough is broken down into three pieces. Readers learn their abilities and change the way they think and act in the first segment, the mind. The body, the second portion, demonstrates how to understand and work with your body to increase your health and confidence. The journey, the third and last portion, focuses on living a meaningful life outside of motherhood.
Our mental and physical well-being, meaningful connections, and contentment, according to the author, are all in harmony when we maximize our happiness. Setting long-term, attainable, and values-aligned goals is essential for obtaining our desired salaries.
Stretched Too Thin
Working mothers are always battling the need to excel at whatever they do. The strain is genuine, from balancing work and household duties to being harmed by a lack of self-care and time for strong friendships. Many working mothers are fatigued and overworked at the end of each day.
Jessica Turner, the author of this book, assists you with:
- Work and be a parent without feeling guilty.
- Define your work boundaries.
- Set attainable objectives.
- Learn to be more flexible.
- Create solutions for home management.
- Make self-care a priority.
- Invest in your relationship.
- Develop stronger bonds with your pals.
- Even if you’re working, you can feel like a decent mother.
The Working Mom’s Handbook
For parents, returning to work can be a difficult move. It’s natural to feel stressed while trying to strike a work-life balance. This book contains all of the practical advice and helpful hints you’ll need to handle the job as a new parent with confidence.
The Working Mom’s Handbook is your go-to resource for organizing and prioritizing everything from finding a caretaker to scheduling self-care. Understand your rights at work, your professional path, and how to set boundaries. Learn everything there is to know about feeding your baby during work hours or on the go, as well as connect with other working moms through real-life tales.
The Fifth Trimester
The Fifth Trimester tackles every emotional and career detail with humor, compassion, and motivation, based on interviews and comments from 700+ openly speaking moms in wildly diverse areas, expert counsel, and genuine science.
According to this book, the first three trimesters (and the fourth) are for the infant, but the fifth trimester is for the working woman. You’ll have a lot of questions no matter what job you have or how you define work, and this book will help you answer them all.
Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink
Katrina Alcorn, aged 37-year-old mother with a happy marriage and a successful career when she suffered a mental breakdown while driving to Target to purchase diapers. Her meticulously constructed career came to a standstill, and she began her journey through despair, anxiety, and insomnia.
She describes the guilt of leaving your sobbing child at daycare while you race to work, only to be late again, exhausted and furious. Alcorn relates a personal narrative about “having it all” and failing miserably, as well as what happens thereafter. Finally, she provides readers with a vision for a more healthy, happy, and productive way of life and work.
Breathe, Mama, Breathe
Moms may feel as though their entire lives are a race with never-ending goals and responsibilities. Shonda Moralis, a psychotherapist, explains the advantages of regular meditation and advises women how to do it in just five minutes in her book Breathe, Mama, Breathe. She also includes over 60 “mindful breaks” to assist women to pay attention to their own well-being. This book helps with:
- Eating a mindful breakfast with no phone, TV, or newspaper.
- Take three deep breaths together with your child.
- Give yourself a motivational high-five since positive reinforcement works for moms as well.
Just Let Me Lie Down
The book is a collection of snippets from the life of a mother who aspires to have a successful career and raise a happy family. Kristin van Ogtrop, who has a fulfilling career, a wonderful husband, and three healthy children, has written a book that is a dictionary for working moms everywhere.
The highs which have kids who know where their stuff is, coworkers who don’t press reply all to everything. Dogs who helpfully eat whatever they find and lows which are getting out in the morning, getting along with everyone at work and family are illustrated by terms and concepts.
Mommy Burnout
The overall must-read handbook for the modern mother, it’s a convenient and optimistic tool to help women break free from the crippling concept of being the “perfect mom,” filled with funny and all-too-real true-life stories and realistic suggestions to break the burnout cycle and protect our children from the harm that burnout can cause. Moms can learn to re-energize themselves while still feeling good about their families and life, according to “mommy burnout.” The author analyses this modern epidemic of moms who put their children’s happiness ahead of their own in this compassionate and empathetic guide, and gives empowering, proven remedies for easing this condition, saving marriages and keeping kids happy in the process.
The Empowered Mama
The Empowered Mama is a workbook full of easy, effective methods to help you reunite with yourself on your parenting journey. Author Lisa Druxman uplifts, motivates, and guides mothers on a journey to not only rediscover themselves but to rediscover motherhood all over again. This book will help you find balance in your life, whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home parent. The Empowered Mama will help you make the most of the time you have to get things done. This book covers all aspects of a mother’s life, including work relationships, stress management, food, and even going green and being more environmentally conscious.
Work. Pump. Repeat
Trying to figure out how to breastfeed while returning to a hard career can be difficult. Work. Pump. Repeat. Is the first book to provide women with the information they need to make informed decisions about breastfeeding. Jessica Shortall explains the ins and outs of surviving the workplace as a breastfeeding mother. She gives women moral support for dealing with the stress and guilt that comes with managing working and breastfeeding by relying on the tricks and humor of working parents, as well as her own stories from her busy career and travel in impoverished nations.
Back to Work After Baby
This book is a must-read for both practical and emotional reasons since it contains helpful coping advice and reminds you that you are not alone. Lori Mihalich-latest Levin’s book is full of captivating stories and immediately useful advice. Mihalich-Levin not only handles the hard practicalities of organizing a departure and return, but she also gets to the core of the matter: the stories we tell ourselves. Women’s lives have completely transformed, yet cultural expectations have not kept pace. Mihalich-Levin demonstrates how new mothers can cut through the clutter and establish their own route.
You Are a F*cking Awesome Mom
Leslie Anne Bruce, an award-winning writer, and Instagram sensation, understands that parenting is a total mental wreck in You Are a F*cking Awesome Mom, but she also provides the self-empowerment lessons new mothers need to survive through the psychological turmoil and arise better than ever. A woman’s body, relationships, and sense of identity are put to the test like never before after motherhood. Bruce encourages readers to see beyond the sugarcoated truisms about child-rearing miracles and enjoy the true delights of parenting.
Moms Don’t Have Time To
Working out, eating, and reading are just a few of the topics covered in Moms Don’t Have Time To. The authors are candid about the tiny joys, life lessons, losses, and struggles of life in this new environment in this book, which was written and compiled while we were isolated and adjusting to life with coronavirus. We go into almost 60 short writings from current writers in the book, which explores all of these facets of life, which make the book even more topical.
The life of a working mom is very hectic and balancing it as a mom and an everyday worker is even more complicated. You work all day and come home to a life of household chores. Managing this duality in life can be tiresome to a drastic extends. Self-care is important for everyday working moms like you so you can keep being motivated at work and also keep being a good parent to your household.